Developing your own self practice
A six part course exploring simple breath and movement practices
Over the six modules, which invite you to explore and practice at your own pace, we will share a framework of simple practice tools, so that you can develop an embodied self practice of your own. Awareness of our breath and movement are just part of the practice of yoga and it is important to also be aware of the philosophy that underpins it. We will introduce some of the foundational philosophical topics and also recommend some of the resources for further learning.
How to guide yourself through a simple relaxation
A simple breathing practice
Understand basic functional movement principles
How to practice a sun salutation sequence with variations and options
A simple movement sequence of standing asanas (postures)
A simple movement sequence of seated asanas (postures)
An introduction to the philosophy that is at the heart of these practices
Exploring of the practice of yoga as a tool for self inquiry
Suitable for anyone looking for simple daily tools to resource their physical and mental wellbeing.
A simple yoga mat or other suitable non slip surface. A warm blanket for relaxation and as a prop. Props such as blocks are helpful but not essential. We will show you how to improvise with items that you will have at home.
Yes. It doesn't matter how flexible your are (or not). The practice of yoga is about connecting to where we are right now. If we can learn to move and breathe in a way that supports us, we will develop strength, stability and flexibility in time. These practices are tools for developing an awareness of ourselves.
You don't need any special yoga clothing. Comfortable clothing that you can move easily in is perfect. We recommend that ideally you practice with bare feet if that's appropriate for you.
Helen McCabe
Introduction to Module 1 - starting from the beginning. Starting from stillness and noticing our breath and body.
FREE PREVIEWFinding a comfortable Seat
FREE PREVIEWPractice 1 - Lying Body Scan
Practice 2 - A simple breath awareness practice
Practice 3 - Breath & Movement
FREE PREVIEWPractice 4 - Bridge Pose 'Setubandha Sarvangasana'
Summary of Module 1
Self Practice Journal
A short guide to using props for your practice
Introduction to Module 2 - simple practices to bring awareness to our midline and working from our centre.
FREE PREVIEWPractice 1 - RECAP of Module 1
Practice 2 - Seated Spinal Movements
Practice 3 - Standing Breath Movement
Practice 4 - Building strength and stability - Cat - Cow, Plank & Downward Dog
FREE PREVIEWPractice 5 - Putting it all together
Summary of Module 2
Self Practice Journal
RECAP of Module 2
Introduction to Module 3 - exploring simple functional movements to support your practice
Exploring functional shoulder mobility
Exploring Functional Hip mobility for seated postures
Exploring functional hip mobility for standing postures
Summary of Module 3
Self Practice Journal
Before we start - a video to watch first before we begin to explore the individual asanas
Practice 1 - Standing Forward Folds
Practice 2 - Utthita Trikoṇāsana
FREE PREVIEWPractice 3 - Utthita Pārśvakoṇāsana
Practice 4 - Prasārita Pādottānāsana
Introduction to Module 4 - starting to explore the foundational standing postures (asanas) as we build strength and stability.
Practice 5 - Pārśvottānāsana
Practice 6 - Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana
Module 4 - Putting it all together
Self Practice Journal
Introduction to Module 5 - exploring the foundational seated postures (asanas) and how we can find space in the body
RECAP of the practices up to and including Module 4
Practice 1 - Daṇḍāsana
Practice 2 - Paścimottānāsana
Practice 3 - Pūrvottānāsana
Practice 4 - Baddha koṇāsana
Summary of module 5 and putting it all together
Self Practice Journal
Introduction to Module 6 - revising what we have explored so far and putting it all together.
Revisting the preparatory practices from Module 1
Summary of Module 6 and final re-cap of the course
Self Practice Journal
A little reading list for further exploration
Booking for this course is now open